Diapers, Dishes, and Dominion: How Christian Housewives Can Change the World (Interview with Author and a Giveaway)

To kick off the month of May and our theme of Women and Dominion, I’m really excited to introduce you all to a book I’ve been waiting for MONTHS to be released.  It’s finally here!  And Leah Smith’s Diapers, Dishes and Dominion: How Christian Housewives Can Change the World is everything I knew it would be!

I’ve been on my own personal journey regarding some of the things she spells out in her book.  (If you click on that link, you’ll notice that I even used the same idea of “diapers and dishes”…and I wrote that LONG before I ever knew Leah!)

I’ve slogged my way though book after book written by some of the most intelligent, godly Bible scholars of our century.  Why?  I want to know the truth.  I want to study things out for myself…and hold up what I’m learning with the Word of God.

In addition, I’ve discovered that the things I’ve been learning have been, historically, the position that the Church of Jesus Christ has held for 2,000 years.  It’s only been in the last 150 years or so that the Church has bought into a different perspective…one that has had serious societal consequences as we have taken a “get into the bunker” approach, allowing the liberal humanists to take dominion of every sphere of society.

The result of my studies? All the “missing pieces” I never could quite “get” have been falling into place in a grand and glorious rush!  The Bible has become more cohesive and understandable.  Things that used to confuse me are finally clear.  God is BIGGER…and I am able to trust Him more fully as I take my small place in His history.

The amazing thing about this little book is that Leah takes the highlights of all the wonderful truths found in the tomes we’ve been reading…and condenses it, making it easy for the average, busy mother and homemaker to read and understand.

With chapters titles like:

Left Wing, Right Wing…Am I a Chicken?

Casseroles, Presidents and Pedicures

Politics, Shmolitics


How to Be a Queen

…you can see that this is not your ordinary book.  This book has the potential to rock your world.

We are going to do three things here.  First, enjoy the Diapers, Dishes and Dominion book trailer.  Second, you get to “meet” Leah through an interview.  And third, you get the opportunity to enter a giveaway for a free copy of Leah’s new book!

(If you are reading this in an email, you will need to click through to the blog in order to view the trailer.)

Interview with Leah Smith

1. What inspired you to write Diapers, Dishes and Dominion?

My husband and I were once on a date (a couple babies ago-when we had semi-regular date nights…ha!). We decided to go to the Christian bookstore and browse around. The “Christian living’ section is huge in this particular store and the women’s section makes up most of it.

I noticed the usual self-help fluff and “you can do it” mommy-type books. However, I noticed there was not one single book describing why or how the mundane tasks of motherhood amount to anything two or three generations down the line. There were lots of “you are important” self-esteem literature, but they are all geared towards self instead of Christ and His victorious plan for the world and our future.

I realized in that moment that I needed to write a book. It was pretty much finalized in my mind right then. I thought, “I may not be an expert, but I do have a message to share.”

2. Did you consider yourself a writer before you wrote this book?

Not particularly, but I did consider myself a messenger. I think the Church historically preached this message, but it’s been lost beneath the array of recent doom and gloom, end-of-the-world messages.

It’s very confusing to moms who want to give all of themselves to their callings, and yet the message we hear is that the end is at and and consequently, all our efforts are for nothing.

I don’t consider myself an excellent writer. Sometimes I feel I’m the wrong person to deliver this message since I struggle very much with the things I write about. Maybe that’s why God put it on my heart to do this project…

3. What was the hardest thing about writing this book?

The writing was the easy part. I collected many of my old blog posts and articles, expanded on those ideas and before long it was a book length. I did most of my writing while our whole family came down with a terrible flu. It was the kind where one person got sick at a time, but everyone felt miserable for a good three weeks. My husband was home during that time, and he told me to go for it and write as much as I could while he was there. So that’s what I did.

I would say the hardest thing since then is living out my worldview and putting my words to test in my own life. I’m super sensitive to fear. I get stressed out and overwhelmed easily. I get stuck in the moment of “I can’t do this”. Sometimes I forget to think about my descendants and future generations who will reap the fruit of what I’m planting in the here and now. This book is really a challenge to myself.

4. Did you learn anything in the writing process…and if so, what did you learn?

For one, writing a book takes time. I didn’t realize how much goes into producing a real book. Patience is necessary. Doing all the research for it really gets you more fired up about these topics too!

5. Do you have anything specific you’d like to share with your readers?

I’d like people to know that I am right there with them in the midst of kids and chaos. I’m changing diapers every day, doing dishes, home schooling (often in my PJ’s), cooking, laundry (okay, I’m seriously behind on that), downing my coffee as fast as possible in the morning, and all that other good stuff.

I have days (or in in some seasons of life – weeks) where I feel like I can’t do it, life is too hard, I just want a break and I’m not “cut out” for this job. The one thing that not only gets me through that, but actually drives me to excellence and a deep sense of purpose is understanding our future as Christians. I have something to look forward to: the earth becoming full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9).  My work counts towards something incredible, generationally. Christ is not coming sometime in the distant future to set up his Kingdom; it is already here (Matt 12:18).

We just need to realize what this means for today and take back the authority and domain we willingly handed over to the pagans of this world. Changing the world and seeing the Great Commission fulfilled begins in our own homes and the mundane chores of life. We need to be self-conscious about our purpose as wives and mothers, our mission, the nature of the war in the world, and what we can do about it. I hope my book will inspire and encourage people in their daily decisions as to how they will live for Christ.

If you would like to get to know Leah further, check out her recent radio interview with Kevin Swanson of Generations with Vision. (It’s EXCELLENT and ENCOURAGING!)

And Now for the Giveaway!

Come back to this post May 6th to find out who won!  (We will contact the winner personally via email as well.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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About Wemmick Girl

Natalie Klejwa is a child of the King, wife of 20 years to Joe, and mother to 9 miracles ages 0-18. She is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap, founder and administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog, author of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings: A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens, and a contributing author of The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking and You Can Do It Too: 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories.

You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program.

View all posts by Natalie →


  1. Colleen G says:

    Yikes The video has been removed and I can’t watch it to enter. Also the link to sunscribe to Leahs blog is glitchy. I did figure it out and subscribed but it might need looked at.

  2. Amy says:

    This sounds like a great book! I listened to the Kevin Swanson Interview with Leah.

  3. Kimberly says:

    Hi, I’m trying to get to Leah’s blog and can’t. Think there may be a problem with the link.

  4. Julie says:

    Would like to be entered in the giveaway but, the app rafelcopter(sp) said it may post in my behalf, including pictures, articles, etc. Seems like a gross invasion. The interview was a good read though, thank you.

  5. Koleesa A. says:

    I did as requested. Would love to have my own copy of this wonderful book!

  6. Melanie says:

    Where’s the giveaway and book trailer? Followed the link to this page from LAF.

  7. Melanie says:

    Nevermind, I found them both. They didn’t show up at all before for some reason!