Sunday Morning Breakfast

My husband blesses me on Sunday mornings by making eggs and bacon or ham for our whole family.  We are involved in church worship and Sunday school from 9:00-12:30, which turns out to be a very long time for little kids…and we need something substantial in our bellies to get us through the busy morning.  Once in a while I will make an overnight egg casserole.  Feather Bed Eggs is one of our favorites.  We acquired this recipe at a B & B a few years ago, and it’s a breeze to throw together the night before and just pop in the oven the next morning.

Feather Bed Egg Recipe: Makes 4 servings (We have to triple this!)

Feather Bed Eggs

Spread 4 thick slices of sourdough bread on the bottom of baking dish.  (Just make sure the whole bottom is covered.) Scatter cubed ham or broken up bacon over the top.  Scatter 1 cup of sharp cheddar cheese over that.  Mix 1 1/8 cup of half and half with 5 eggs and some salt/pepper and pour over the top.  Let sit in fridge overnight.  Bake in the morning for 45 minutes at 350.

You can make all sorts of substitutions, but this is the basic recipe.  Oh yes…and make sure you have a helper to set the table.

A three year old “helper”

Sunday mornings are usually somewhat stressful.  We’ve tried all the tricks to make it less so…and are now embracing the Sunday Morning Battle as part of life right now.  We do have arguments around the breakfast table…mostly about which shirt belongs to which person and where all the shoes and Bibles went between Saturday morning and Sunday morning.  But nobody can say we don’t TRY our hardest to have a peaceful, relaxing, joy-filled, love-saturated morning.  “Do your duty”…and leave the rest to God.   Amen.

Related posts:

  1. English Tea Scones
  2. Getting Personal with Breakfast
  3. Baked Almond Chicken


  1. A Patchwork Mommy says:

    Very nice website Natalie! Very pretty. Gee, that Katie sure is a cute litle one! I pray that God will continue to bless your ministries and your family.

    • Wemick Girl Saved by Grace says:

      Thank you Tina! I hope you will enjoy visiting here when you have time! : )


      • A Patchwork Mommy says:

        Natalie, I am a Natalie blog stalker. I visit every day. I shouldn’t have the time but I do. Is that scary? Question do you have to go milk your cow every day? I think having a cow would be great. A friend gave us 18 fresh brown chicken eggs the other day. They were VERY good. I hope all is well. Warmly, Tina

        • Wemmick Girl Saved by Grace says:

          Hey Tina,

          No…the farmer who takes care of our cow actually lives quite a distance from us. He has a bunch of cows…and takes care of all that. We will pick up milk from him each week once our cow gives birth and starts producing. We are looking forward to “meeting” Fudge and her calf though! : )


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