Raising My Spaghetti-Smeared Generation


By Contributing Writer, Kelly Crawford

Farmer holds a few ordinary seeds in his hand.

But he doesn’t see seeds.  He also doesn’t see, or rather, doesn’t dwell on the work he’s about to give himself to.

OK he does see the seeds, and dirt, and sweat and weeds.  But it’s what lies beyond the seeing….it’s the VISION.

He really sees a swelling harvest from that handful of humble seeds–a miracle he really can’t fully understand.

He sees results of his labor and the fruit of his hands and the many who will be blessed by it for years to come.

Because next year, his seeds will yield more seeds.

And some days he’ll be scratching in the dirt and sweating and seeing nothing but weeds.  But he knows what’s underneath if he’ll only persevere, and he has the FAITH required to believe it will burst forth from the ground.

Someone asked me how I could be excited about a ninth baby.

“Because I don’t see a baby”.

Well, yes I do, and he/she is magnificently more wonderful than a handful of seeds!

But I see more than a baby.

I see a harvest…the fruit of our love, the physical reminder of “two becomes one”, the labor of our hands through the years, a heritage, for me, from my Father.

My vision goes beyond that sweet little face and all the messes I know I will clean up, and the mid-night feedings that aren’t easy, the squabbles and the stains on the furniture, the tears and laughter, and the days I just want quiet…

There’s a whole generation underneath that spaghetti-smeared face that’s been given to me.

And it’s worth it.

And I want to be here when the harvest is fully ripe….

But I won’t.

Because the seeds we plant now will grow beyond us and the harvest will become unable to be measured.

So I will keep pulling the weeds, planting the seeds, nurturing, watering, tending and praying for growth, thanking God for the miracles.

And I will have the FAITH to believe that His glory will burst forth.

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About Kelly Crawford

Kelly is wife to Aaron and homeschooling mama to nine children. Days are busy reading, creating, and living life in an effort to honor the Lord Jesus and make His glory known. Kelly has authored numerous articles in homeschooling magazines, has been featured on Generations With Vision, and has written several eBooks to help moms carry out the important task of raising the next generation. You can find practical encouragement and inspiration for your day at Generation Cedar.

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  1. tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations says:

    Truthfully, without vision the people perish. I am half way thru the article and had to post my thoughts. So many families can’t wait to see their children out of the house… they have no vision. Once they are out and have their own families the visits are very few and the grandparents don’t get to share in the “seeds”. So sad… so sad.

  2. Jeannette Paulson says:

    Thanks so much for speaking in word pictures. Our Lord did it, and I love learning that way.
    This really is what it looks like to walk by faith in a despairing, cynical, barbaric culture