What Happened to God?

By Contributing Writer, Kimberly of Raising Olives

As I hear snatches of political discussions on the web, with guests around our dining room table or related to me by my husband, I wonder…

When did voting for a man who says he supports  killing innocent babies in certain circumstances become necessary, even good, for Christians?

When did Christians feel the need to start voting for evil in order to “help God” prevent a (in our sinful, human opinion) a worse evil from being in power?

Where in the Scriptures are Christians commanded to vote for a “viable” candidate?

When did God’s power become limited by statistics and polls?

When did it come about that individual Christians, instead of God, are responsible for the outcome of  an election?

What happened to the God of the Bible?

The God of the Bible hardened the heart of Pharaoh so that He could demonstrate His power through the plagues.

The God of the Bible used a slave people to plunder the Egyptians and then, while those slaves stood on the banks of the Nile, God destroyed the most powerful and feared army of the ancient world.

“Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.  The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.” ~ Ex. 14:13-14

The God of the Bible had Joshua and the people of Israel walk around the city of Jericho and shout and the wall fell down flat.

The God of the Bible conquered “the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children of the east (who) lay along in the valley like grasshoppers for multitude” (Judges 6-8) with 300 untrained men.

Nothing is impossible for the God of the Bible.

When did God change?

Christians today argue that God can’t possibly defeat Obama unless we (Christians) all vote for the the “lesser evil”, whoever that may be.

Christians argue that we must not vote our ‘convictions’ otherwise the ‘wrong man’ will gain power.

Christians fear that if we don’t vote for some killing of innocent babies that MORE innocents will be killed.

Christians fear that if we don’t vote for the government to take some of our God-given freedoms that MORE of our freedom will be lost.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. ~ 2 Tim. 1:7

Why don’t we believe God?

God says that He is the one in control of who rules and of how they rule.

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. ~ Rom. 13:1

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. ~Prov. 21:1

We serve a God who hates evil and who commands us to do likewise. (Psalm 106:37-42, Deut. 21:1-9, Prov. 8:13, 1 John 1:5-6)

God asks His people to obey Him in faith. He asks us to be strong and courageous.

He asks us to face the impossible with courage.

Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go….Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:7,9

As Christians our responsibility is to obey God and to have faith that He will use our obedience for His honor and glory.

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About Kimberly @ Raising Olives

Kimberly is a homeschool graduate, thanks to her mother's cancer diagnosis. Now married to Mark and blessed with ten children, she homeschools, washes mountains of laundry, mops acres of floors and rejoices in the opportunities that God brings to build relationships with those around her.

You may read about her family's successes and failures as they strive to live for the glory of God and seek to self-consciously examine every decision in the light of His Word at Raising Olives.

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  1. Bambi @ In the Nursery of the Nation says:

    Amen, amen, amen!

  2. tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations says:

    I became a US Citizen last year and was so looking forward to voting for President. But if nothing changes, I will probably not vote this year. there is no one to vote for.

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