THAT’S Entertainment!

By Contributing Writer, Jennifer Ross

Where does one begin with a post like this? There is much to say, and all of it needs to be said.  If you were to desire to be adopted into the Hollywood family and accepted into their culture, fret no more, it’s freely yours.  Hollywood will not only grant you access to their circle of friends, they offer an unlimited open invitation.  More than that, they earnestly draw you in.  That of course is strangely similar to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who says,

“Come unto Me…”  Matthew 11:28 says “Isn’t It Time You Went Hollywood!®”


Everything About it is Appealing

Nowhere could you get that happy feeling…The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk, are secretly unhappy men… they’d gladly bid their dreary jobs goodbye, for anything theatrical and why, why?  [because]…there’s no business like show business!

Bid their dreary jobs goodbye?  Nowhere to get  happiness but from show business?  Another song written in the 1950′s tells us more of Hollywood’s mission and core beliefs when they share with us just what, exactly, entertainment is:

a clown with his pants falling down…That’s entertainment…The plot could be hot, simply teeming with sex, A gay divorcee who is after her ex…The world is a stage, the stage is a world of entertainment…hip hooray, the American way.

If That’s Entertainment, then we as Christians should want no part of it.  If entertainment is the American way, we need to remember again the words of Jesus, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2)

We can’t be friends with the world and with God.  He is clear on such issues, and He minces no words.

“… friendship with the world is hatred toward God”

“Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”  (James 4:4 NIV)

Take a look at Galatians 5:19-21

“Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are:

  • immorality
  • impurity
  • sensuality
  • idolatry
  • sorcery
  • strife
  • jealousy
  • outbursts of anger
  • disputes
  • envying
  • drunkenness

We all know where to readily find each of the deeds listed above without even leaving the comfort of our homes. Television.  It’s all there, ready for immediate consumption and packaged nicely for the average American family.


What is Entertainment?

By definition it is: “the act of entertaining… diversion; amusement”

If we dissect “amuse” we find the prefix a- is defined as:  not, without.   “Muse is to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject.  Simply put, to amuse is tonot think.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. (Psalm 1:2)

…be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  (I Peter 5:8)

Hollywood would have us to blindly follow their ways without question.   But don’t forget, entertainment isn’t simply TV shows and movies.   It’s also music, live comedy shows, sports (whoops! stepped on some toes there!), theme parks and video games, and the internet, just to name a few.


What Saith The Scripture?

I will set before my eyes no vile thing.  (Psalm 101:3 NIV)

I found the quote below at Hollywood Unmasked, a website that clearly reveals the deception, Satanism and New Age Philosophies of the motion pictures of today and yesterday.

Whenever we haphazardly view films, we oftentimes lend our ears to the demonic realm for hours at a time and are unduly effected through the parables that are assembled to instruct. Let us examine the Hollywood elite and thereby prove just who it is that they serve.

I’ve heard it said that if you wouldn’t allow certain people or activities in your home, why would you let them in via a TV screen?


What Should you take from this?

We know from reading Matthew 7:13 that we are to enter through the narrow gate, because, ”the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.”

The “many” head to the theater weekend after weekend to see the newest release.  In mass they plop down each night, with remote in hand, to soak in all that their expensive, 52″ flat screen has to offer.  And it’s the masses, the “many,” who listen to and sing with some of the most wicked lyrics the world has ever heard as they drive to and fro.

We are to come out from among them and be separate, according to 2 Cor. 6:17.  We are not to mingle with their beliefs, their world views, or their entertainment.  It is not for us.


Their Vision proclaims,  ”It’s pretty simple: We tell users what movies to see, [and] what TV shows to watch… Our voice and vision is entirely dedicated to fans of entertainment… You love this stuff = we love this stuff.  Once you taste the Hollywood high life, there’s no going back…”

No going back after tasting of Hollywood!?  I find it troubling that “they” again seek to appeal to us in ways similar to that of our Lord.

  O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! (Psalm 34:8)

But we shouldn’t be too surprised, after all, it’s the same line the enemy has been using since day one.  “…and you will be like God…” Genesis 3:5.  It’s all done to subvert Him and His ways.

This is my plea to you: reject the current entertainment industry and all of it’s glitz and glamor.  Reject it now, hate what is evil, cling to what is good.   “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thess 5:22)

“All appearance” of evil!  You must see the significance of this.  Refer back to the top of this post and Galatians 5.   Does what you’re watching or listening to have even the “appearance” of evil?  Burn it!  Don’t be lukewarm.


Our Vision

Last year our family started Family Vision Films to do our part in reclaiming our culture for Christ.  The best film we’ve seen dedicated to the subject of entertainment is: Captivated: finding freedom in a media captive culture.  You will find insight and inspiration, you’ll discover even more on how God’s word addresses the unique media challenges we face today, and we would be delighted to offer you 20% off, just use code:  captivated20

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.  (Ephesians 5:15-16)


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About Jennifer Ross

Jennifer is the cherished wife of a visionary man, and a homeschooling mother to almost a dozen children. Her deepest desire is to consistently love her husband and children, and to be a diligent and joyful keeper at home, all for the glory of God. Her favorite past-time is to encourage fellow housewives in their highest calling of wife and mother. When she’s not creating Homemaking DVDs she can be found blogging at Renewing Housewives. She also has a newly released ebook, Encouraging Challenges.

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  1. Rachel E. says:

    This post was absolutely informative and wonderful. I totally agree with you. I have made it a point that I will not buy a movie I will not watch with my children along side me. I order all my movies from CBD. Yet, even then, you need to watch it before hand. I asked my hubby for some movies for Christmas thinking I could watch they with my kids, but they have ratings I didn’t know about. So, I told them I need to preview them. We have enjoyed watching some of these movies together in the past few weeks. These are the movies that Hollywood says are low budget and poorly done. Yep, and you know what? They are perfect for my family.

    • Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

      Hi Rachel,

      Thank you for your comment! There are quite a few sites out there that sell “Christian” films, but personally, we wouldn’t be able to buy half of them. One site I browsed even had Casper the friendly ghost for sale!! We were shocked!! My husband and I wanted a site where you wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not the films were truly God honoring. It’s been a real blessing to be able to offer such wonderful films to our Christian brothers and sisters!!

      Even with our current evil entertainment industry, and even with films that are dubbed “Christian” but are far from God-honoring, there really are some absolutely wonderful ones out there, and that is what we desire to offer. Thanks again, I agree with you 100% !!

  2. Christin @ Joyful Mothering says:

    Excellent article Jennifer. I am just finishing up a series on worldly living on my blog that addresses this.

    One of the definitions of entertainment you mentioned that struck me was: “diversion”

    Entertainment is nothing more than a diversion, or distraction, from God. We are so immersed and obsessed and we believe this is a “normal” way of life and anything otherwise is considered “abnormal”.

    Well, put me in the abnormal category then because it’s not worth my walk with Christ.

    We’ve already had people say we’re ruining our children because we do do Santa Clause or allow them to play video games. Really!?

    It’s a hard thing to pull out of when you’ve been submerged in it all your life. But Christ is a much sweeter (and more fulfilling) place of rest and refuge.

  3. Elisabeth@Lizzy's Nest says:

    Jennifer, thank you for writing this. I agree completely but could not have said as well. I will check out Family Vision Films.

  4. Gretchen says:

    Amazing post! Thank you for this insightful and very true article.

  5. Donna Shipe says:

    Very Well said! I totally agree with you. When my husband and I started our walk with Christ, we have been blessed with a friend who is truely a deciple. He taught us about making our home a “Sanctuary”. If Jesus came to our door and wanted to spend time with us, what would we have to hide. So, we went through our home and threw away movies, records, tapes, CDs, etc. We also got rid of Directtv, which is a waste of money because most is unsuitable to watch. Where we live, in the mountains, you cannot get any reception. I feel that is a good thing. So we use Sky Angel, which goes through our computer. 90% of that is Christian TV. We also have Netflix, but only for the Faith and Inspirational movies. And to tell you the truth, I do not miss any of it one bit. My young adult children are having a hard time with it sometimes, but when we watch a good movie, they always seem to join in. Thank you for this post and I hope you do not mind if I share it because it needs to reach more people. Will check out Family Vision Films. God Bless!

  6. JJill Roper says:

    This was a powerful article. THank you for sharing. Just the other day a friend from church posted on fb about the season premiere of “The Bachelor”. Her and her daughters were raving about it. I just scratched my head.
    We went tv free for about 2 years. I wish we had stayed that way. Hubby is now disabled and watches some shows. I get addicted to the news which I need to work on. Thanks so much.

  7. Kim says:

    Jennifer, I recently purchased Homemaking 101, absolutely, positively, love it, this film is such a great gift for a bride to be, or mother to be, as you give plenty of information on that topic too. With 5 sons, I will be purchasing many more DVD’s in the future. I could not be happier when I turn on this video, knowing I don’t have to worry about any of it, I can even turn it on when my children are around, that in itself is amazing. THank you for your unselfishness in giving us Renewing Housewives, and your Family Vision Films, this is so much greater than the whole Hollywood thing