Blessing Our Husbands with Prayer

By Contributing Writer, Jennifer Ross

Contemplating this month’s theme got me thinking.  ”What is the best way to bless our husbands?”  There are so many good ways!  So many potential areas to focus on.  With my passion for homemaking, my default is to express the importance of being a brilliant help meet as one of the best ways to bless our husbands.  But if I were to borrow from recent life experiences, I would have to say, prayerPrayer is one of the best ways to bless our husbands.

What Prayer Does

Bottom line: When I pray for my husband, he is a better man than when I don’t.  This point is so crucial I want to say it again.  It’s totally, completely, 100% obvious when I’ve been praying for him and when I haven’t.  Now don’t get me wrong.  He’s not The-Most-Amazing-Christian-That-Ever-Lived, lived, lived, lived ( hear that echo?)  when I spend time praying, and then the worst of heathens when I flake out and don’t pray for him.  But the truth of the matter is, prayer changes people.

1 Peter 3:1 says that we wives can win our husbands to the LORD by our behavior alone:

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives.

How much more can we cause our husbands to walk in righteousness when we pray for them?

My Real Life Example

I’ve been praying inconsistently for the past year or so that the LORD would make my husband a man that He can use, a man who will suit His kingdom and be shaped for His work.  I’ve also asked the LORD to make me the wife my husband needs–to make him the man the LORD needs.

We are working on a new film, and recently my husband was at a conference interviewing volunteer passersby.  He talked with people from all over the country; people he would have never met otherwise.  They came to him seeking answers, and through those interactions he came home a changed man.  The LORD used my simple prayers to make him better than he already is.

I stand in awe at a God that works great things through us.  As 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, His “power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses… For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12:10

When we are weak, and when we pray for our husbands, the power of God is made perfect, and our husbands are blessed.

How has prayer changed your husband?


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About Jennifer Ross

Jennifer is the cherished wife of a visionary man, and a homeschooling mother to almost a dozen children. Her deepest desire is to consistently love her husband and children, and to be a diligent and joyful keeper at home, all for the glory of God. Her favorite past-time is to encourage fellow housewives in their highest calling of wife and mother. When she’s not creating Homemaking DVDs she can be found blogging at Renewing Housewives. She also has a newly released ebook, Encouraging Challenges.

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  1. Marcia says:

    “I’ve also asked the LORD to make me the wife my husband needs–to make him the man the LORD needs.” This is so RICH. I really need to chew on this and let it sink in. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. I certainly need it.

    • Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

      Hi Marcia!
      I’m glad you got something from this post! I always try to pray for the LORD to make me into the kind of wife and mother my family needs :)

  2. Kelly T says:

    Sadly, it is just recently that I’ve started doing this as well. I’ve been praying for quite awhile for The Lord to change me into the wife my husband needs and the woman The Lord needs…but my husband needs my prayers as well! Thank you for reiterating this point for me.

    • Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

      Hi Kelly,
      Kindred spirits are such a blessing! Thanks for writing sister!

  3. Gail says:

    Hello Jennifer,
    Yes, I to must admit to not bringing my husband before God each day. I understand what you’re saying here. To be honest I feel when I don’t pray for him, we tend to bicker, and that is Satan firing his subtle darts at our marriage. When I hold my husband in prayer, I tend to really focus on what a good man he is and how I am blessed to be called his helpmate and that will stay with me throughout the day. Thanks for the very timely reminder, I truly value your wisdom.
    Blessings Gail

    • Jennifer~Renewing Housewives says:

      Such truthful words Gail! Satan does attack when our guard is down. I too focus on my calling to my husband and family when I’ve spent time praying to our LORD for them. Our God is faithful and isn’t it so amazing that He uses our humble prayers to bring our husbands and children closer to him!