Reflections While Waiting

Reflections on Waiting

By Contributing Writer, Molly Evert

Molly is one of the contributing writers of Three Decades of Fertility. Toward the end of her chapter she talks about their family’s plan to adopt a special needs daughter from China. This article is an update on that adoption.

Our adoption process hit a snag recently.  We are waiting on a very important document, and China has chosen this moment in time to launch a new database.  I trust this automation will be a great thing someday, but right now it is making our wait time unusually long, and no one knows when things will be up and running smoothly again.

While I wait in my comfortable home, surrounded by loving family and friends, I am keenly aware that my baby spends most of her day lying alone in her crib.  If I reflect on her situation too much, my desperation to get to her can become overwhelming.  Tears are always just below the surface right now.

I am tempted to let my emotions rule, but I know this is the time to take every thought captive to Christ.  Every day I fight an inner battle: will I allow my thoughts to be shaped by what I know to be true from God’s Word or by my fears and circumstances?

God’s Word tells me He is faithful.  He loves me, and He loves our daughter.  He is a God of mercy, a gracious Father. He is sovereign over all creation, and He does all things well, for our good and for His glory.  He is omniscient and He already knows how and when this will be resolved.

Sometimes, when I walk through the valley, my heart struggles to believe these truths.  I have to remind myself that His Word is even truer than what I see and feel.

Isaiah 26:3 has been a source of strength and comfort:  “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You.”  Early in this journey of waiting, I felt a sense of peace whenever my circumstances looked hopeful.  I soon learned that kind of peace is built on shifting sand.

The key to abiding peace has been trusting in God.

Of course there are still ups and downs, good days and hard days.  My mind isn’t as steadfast as I had thought it was. I can’t do any of this in my own strength.

My fickle heart turns to fear and doubt so easily, but His Word is a light to my path. The Holy Spirit is renewing my mind as I meditate daily on God’s attributes and promises.

In the early days I prayed, trusting the Lord to bring our paperwork quickly. Now, after almost 130 days of waiting, I am just trusting Him.  Period.

I am learning to seek Him for Himself, not for His gifts. I am resting in Him like a weaned infant clings to its mother—wanting the milk but having nowhere to turn for comfort except to the One who has withheld what I want so very much. And I am finding comfort there, even in the absence of what I crave.

So often our sanctification comes in fits and starts, a little bit here and there as we walk through life.  And then there are times like this, when we seem to grow by leaps and bounds, usually through trials.  Through this time of painful waiting, the Lord is teaching me to rely on Him in a new way.  I am learning to trust Him when I can’t see what He is doing or why.  I am learning how to be content in all circumstances.

I have been praying for a miracle.  Greater sanctification isn’t the miracle I had in mind, but the Lord knows it is even better than what I wanted.

This refiner’s fire is a heart work that goes far beyond my comfort zone.  I am still praying for that precious paperwork, which represents our little girl’s deliverance!  But now  I also pray that the Lord will improve upon this time of waiting.

UPDATE on this update: We got the paperwork we needed on day 131.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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About the Contributor

Molly has been joyfully married to David for 21 amazing years. She is living her dream as a homeschooling mother to 5 children, who range in age from toddler through high school. Molly is the creator of the educational website My Audio School, and a contributing writer and podcaster for the women’s e-zine Mentoring Moments for Christian Women. An avid reader and a passionate Christian, Molly writes and speaks with humor and honesty as she seeks to encourage and challenge women in their faith. Her heart’s desire is to give glory to God and to point women to Christ, our only hope for salvation and sanctification. You can find her blogging at CounterCultural Mom and CounterCultural School.

Comments (4)

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  1. Ashley Scott says:

    Thank you Molly, this is beautiful. The emotions of the wait are so intense…and they come and go in such a surprising fashion. I appreciate your encouragement…and I’m super happy you got that next step!

  2. Cindy says:

    Praying for your baby! (Like, right now, I’m going to get off the internet, which I should have done 20 minutes ago, and go pray.)
    Cindy recently posted…Three Decades of FertilityMy Profile

  3. Amy says:

    I’ve had several church friends go through this time of waiting for adoption, and I know it’s a very emotional time. Praise God that your papers have come! And praying that your little one will be united with your family soon.
    Amy recently posted…Book Review: Glimpses of GraceMy Profile

  4. Elizabeth says:

    “In the early days I prayed, trusting the Lord to _______. Now, after almost __ days of waiting, I am just trusting Him, period.” Oh, how many things could fill those blanks! I’m not adopting, but I can relate to the painful waiting and seemingly unanswered prayers. Last fall I prayed for my best friend to break up with her discontent-Protestant-looking-into-Catholicism boyfriend… and found out that prayer wasn’t answered when I got her excited midnight phone call informing me of his proposal. I cried. They weren’t tears of joy. I then began to pray for her and her then-fiance to turn from Catholicism back to the Truth… and that prayer still hasn’t been answered even as I have voiced concerns repeatedly over many months. Now they are married and regularly attending a Catholic Church. And they are both born-again, Bible-reading, Christ-loving Protestants. Studying their way into Catholicism. It is so bizarre to me. It has certainly given ‘false teachers’ a whole new meaning for me. You are right, it is a daily battle to take our thoughts captive to Christ, not let emotions rule, and shape our thoughts through the truth of God’s Word instead of our fears and circumstances–a battle that I have been failing miserably for quite a while now. Thank you for sharing your journey and waking me up to where I desperately need to cling to His Word, not what I see and feel… to trust Him even when I don’t know what He is doing or why… to trust that He loves me and He loves her and that He is sovereign and omniscient and working this together for our good and His glory… to seek Him, not just seek His gifts. All while still praying for a miracle.