Are You a Victim of Propaganda?

The following e-mail was forwarded to me from Kim Doebler, one of the contributing writers on Visionary Womanhood.  Kim’s sister, Pam, wrote it.  I’m reprinting it here because I think it should circulate to a wider audience.  

“I have been wanting to send out this email for quite awhile.  Your age would probably determine what you think propaganda is.  I remember growing up thinking it was the Communists that did propaganda.  If you are young, you might not even believe in propaganda.  As part of our homeschool routine we read the encyclopedia.  I kid you not, kind of crazy, but we are in the “R” encyclopedia.  We started with the A about 20 years ago.  Might not get through to Z before I am done homeschooling but it has been a fun run whether we finish that or not.  The set we are reading was written in 1954.  I like to read older, before 1960 because the feminist stuff starts infiltrating everything from then on.  Here is a quote from “World Book Encyclopedia” 1954, p. 6608.

Propaganda is a method used to influence people to believe certain ideas or to follow certain courses of action.  Propaganda has sold everything from toothpaste to war.  Nearly everyone everyday does something or thinks something partly because propaganda has urged him to do so.

There were seven pages on propaganda.

I remember growing up seeing signs encouraging people to take their family to church on Sunday.  Nowadays, if there even were a sign like that, it would say something about going to the establishment of your choice.  Nowadays there is “diversity”.  Different topic, different day.  Sticking with this propaganda piece, the last paragraph says,

Suppose, for example, that the cleverest propagandist in the world were given complete control over the American radio, newspapers, and motion pictures for a year.  Suppose that the aim of this clever propagandist was to do away with the institution of the family in American life.  There seems to be little doubt that at the end of the year this clever propagandist would only have made himself the laughingstock of the American people, because the institution of the family is something that only a very few disgruntled misfits would like to destroy.

 We’ve come a long way from that 1954 version.  Can you imagine if you called someone a misfit today?  Oh my.  You’d probably end up doing time for a hate crime.  Family has totally been redefined.  A husband and wife, staying married for the duration, having children, let alone lots of children, are considered archaic.  A mom staying home, not working outside of the home?  How old fashioned.

I went to Keith’s cousins again for the Fourth of July in SD.  Many of you will remember my shock and awe when I was with all of those people a couple of years ago.  I had kind of forgotten until I was there again this year.  There were over 40 of us.  I was the ONLY stay-at-home mom, the only homeschooler, and the only to have more than a couple of offspring, and the only one that believed in ‘training my children’.  They think I am weird.  They broke my Jordan’s 14 year-old heart when one of the dad’s said he was so glad they weren’t having any more children.  They had two.  All the moms wanted was their children in day care.  Killing me.

I digress.  May each of you know that the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than a doubled edged sword, it is unchanging just like our Lord.  If the whole world falls apart, continues to call right wrong and wrong right, it’s okay, because we are based on the Truth, unswerving Truth, we know how the story ends.  May you, as a wife and mom, keep on keepin’ on.  You are doing the right thing.  I know we are all fighting our own selfishness, our own weaknesses, but we also know that His grace is sufficient.  He has anointed us for this appointment.

Today you are to love your husband, no matter how undeserving.  Today you are to love those blessings no matter how frustrating.  Today you need to fulfill those other responsibilities, no matter how mundane.  May you see it as a privilege.  May you walk in the Truth and the Light!!!

Joyfully, Pam


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About Wemmick Girl Saved by Grace

Natalie Klejwa is a child of the King, wife of 20 years to Joe, and mother to 8 children plus one in the “cooker”! She loves reading, writing, music, sewing, and educating her children in their home.

Natalie is the creator of Apple Valley Natural Soap, which gives her children an opportunity to earn money at home and expand their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Passionately believing in the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Scripture for all of life, she has rejected the Wemmick culture box and prefers the ancient paths found in the Word of God. Natalie taught high school English when she was single and has been discipling women for 25 years through full time campus ministry, personal mentoring, writing, and Bible studies.
More recently, she is the founder of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings in the Twin Cities area, which began almost five years ago, and she is also the administrator of the Visionary Womanhood blog and author of Visionary Womanhood Gatherings, A Family Strengthening Mentorship Tool for Women and Maidens. You can hear her being interviewed on Kevin Swanson's Generations with Vision radio program.